Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ronny Brings Flowers: Pudge And Ronny, Chapter 35

 This is my Accelerated Christian Education fan fiction, the first ever ACE fan fiction on the internet, to my knowledge. You can see more chapters on my "Gay Christian Fanfiction" page at the top of this blog, or on my Deviant Art page here.

That Sunday, Ronny was set to arrive to dinner any minute, and Pudge could not stop pacing. In his mind, he prayed for a sign, some clue that he wasn't destined for a lifetime of loneliness. That they were as ordinary as any other couple. It seemed too good to be true, that he was not meant for a lifetime of loneliness (or an eternity in hell), but what if it was true, and he missed out because of his fears of hell?
"Please, God, just give me a sign, either way," Pudge thought. "I just want to know if this is normal, or not. If it's acceptable to you, like other couples are."
If they were even a couple, that was, or on their way to being a couple. He hoped he had not misunderstood Ronny. He hoped for a sign in that area, too.

Marcy stirred the spaghetti sauce briskly, trying to do something with her nervous, nervous hands. Was she doing the right thing, by encouraging Pudge like this? What if her baby ended up in hell?
"Well, at least we'll be together," she thought. In spite of how blasphemous it was, she wanted to be with her boy, even more than she wanted to be with Jesus. God had given her Pudge, as a wonderful gift and a blessing, so why did she feel so guilty for loving him so much?
Her late husband had seemed to love God through his love of his family. She wondered why it was a great sin to be too devoted a mother. Then she felt guilty for wondering.
"Please, just give me a sign, Lord," she thought. "Even if you did create him to be with a man, is Ronny really the right choice? He's not even a believer. And how do I even know he'd be good to my Pudge?"

Ronny arrived at Pudge's house, dressed as if he had just been at church (though he obviously hadn't), in black slacks and a button-down shirt. He was much more nervous than the other times had been invited over to Pudge's house. He felt like he was going to meet a girl's parents, though he already knew Mrs. McMercy. So much had changed, in only a few days.
Pudge and him were now...something. That was, if Pudge had been talking about the same thing he had been talking about. He hoped he had not misunderstood Pudge. He was so nervous, talking to Pudge, since they had kissed.
Ronny almost felt sick with nerves as he parked on the side of the road next to Pudge's house. Mrs. McMercy knew about the kiss. She certainly seemed friendly and eager to see him when she had invited him to Sunday dinner--not upset at all. But he had still brought some very nice and expensive flowers for her--a mixture of red and white roses--just in case.
Ronny smoothed his hair, for the tenth time, made sure the flowers were still perfect, and knocked on the door.
"I'll get it!" he heard a cheerful female voice call from inside.
Mrs. Marcy McMercy opened the door, smiling at him. She was wearing a nice red ankle-length dress and pearls, as if she were dressed up for the occasion, too.
"Come in, Ronny. Oh, you are so sweet!" she exclaimed. "Look, Pudge, he brought you flowers!"

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