Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Totally Hetero Pudge And Ronny, Chapter Four

 (See the "ACE Gay Porn" tab at the top of this blog for details on this storyline.)

"Pudge, are you all right?" his mother asked, concerned. "You seem very quiet tonight."
Pudge looked up from his plate of spaghetti, coming out of his fog. He had been lost in his thoughts, preoccupied.
"Oh. I'm fine, Mom," he replied.
"You don't look fine," she said gently. " know can tell me anything."
Pudge put his fork down. "It's hard to explain. I...I saw Ronny today. Ronny Vain. I had a flat, and Ronny stopped to help me."
"You mean the boy you were friends with as a kid? The mean one?"
"Yeah, that Ronny. Anyway, Ace says he's a mechanic in Sodomburg, and he's going to make an appointment for us to take the car to him."
"Well, that's it great?" Mom asked doubtfully.
"Well...the thing is...I hope you don't think I'm a bad Christian, but..."
 She held her breath, trying to keep her face neutral. It was like she had been expecting this, like she had expected Pudge to say something for a long time now; but she wasn't sure exactly what she expected him to say. And now that it was here, this moment that she hadn't realized she'd been waiting for, dreading...she just hoped she was prepared for it. What awful secret had Pudge been hiding from her these past few years? Why was he somehow not himself, not the carefree little boy she had once known? Silently she took a deep breath; she hadn't realized until this moment what now seemed so obvious to her.
Pudge continued. "Ace thinks I didn't witness to Ronny enough. That's why he wants to go with me." Pudge looked down at his food, picking at it with his fork.
"Okay," she sighed, slightly relieved. "Do you want him to go with you?"
"Ace is my friend," he said quickly. "Yeah, he should go with me."
"But do you want him to go? Pudge, from what you've told me, Ace is rather...aggressive, in his witnessing. Passionate, I should say. Perhaps that isn't...your style?" she asked tentatively, trying to get to the bottom of the problem.
"Well, um, no. No, it's not. I...I think I do better with...with..."
"With a more personal style?" she finished. "A gentler style?"
"Yes! Yes, that's it. A gentler, more personal style. And frankly, I...I don't think Ronny likes Ace."
"Well, then, that would probably affect your witness."
"Yeah. Yeah, it would. But I don't know what to do! Ace is my friend, and he'll be hurt if I ask him not to go."
Pudge was visibly distraught. Marcy McMercy didn't know why her son was so obviously upset about this, but she did know one thing: She was a mother, and she would do anything for her boy.
Suddenly she knew what to do. "Fine," she said decisively. "I will."
"What?" Pudge asked, taken aback. "You'll do what?"
"I'll ask him not to come," she explained, getting up and grabbing the kitchen phone.
"But...what are you gonna say? You're not gonna be mean to him?" he demanded, following her.
"Of course not," she answered as she dialed. "Just leave it to me. Hi, Christy. This is Mrs. McMercy. How are you, dear? Oh, wonderful. Is Ace there? I have to tell him something. Thank you, sweetheart."
"Mom, what are going say to him?" Pudge whispered. "You're not gonna tell him...?"
"Just leave it to me," she whispered back, putting her hand over the phone. "I know what I'm doing. Hi, Ace. This is Mrs. McMercy. I heard you and Pudge were going to Sodomburg to get the car fixed sometime...Well, I do appreciate you helping, Ace, and I hate to interfere with your plans, but I just remembered that I have a hair appointment over there later this week. Since it would save gas, Pudge and I have decided to make a day of it. I hope that's all right...I'm sorry, Ace, really I am, but it's been so long since I've had a day just to be with my son...Tell you what, we'd love to have you and Christy over for dinner sometime. Oh yes, bring the kids if you want--unless you'd like an evening off...Oh, I'm sorry, Ace, Pudge already went to bed. He said he wasn't feeling very well...Yes, I'll tell him that. I do appreciate your prayers, thank you....Well, all right, Ace, I guess I'll let you go now. I'm sure you have lots to do, getting those kids ready for bed...Oh no, we'll look in the phone book. Don't trouble yourself...Yes, I'll see you all in church Sunday. Give Christy and the kids my love. Bye-bye."
Marcy hung up, shaking her head. When she replaced the phone and looked up, Pudge was staring at her.
She took a deep breath. "Ace says he wants you to call him. Just tell him I insisted on it. I'm not backing down on this."
"But...but why did you lie to him, Mom?" he asked.
"It wasn't a lie. I've been meaning to make a hair appointment anyway."
"But you told him I was in bed, sick!"
"So I'll tell I cooked dinner improperly. He wouldn't know."
"But should you have lied to him?"
"Was it better than hurting his feelings?"
"I guess, but..." Pudge began, then trailed off.
"Pudge?" she inquired, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"What?" he asked, confused.
"Eat your spaghetti." And with that, she primly resumed her place at the table, spreading the napkin on her lap and continuing to eat. Pudge stared at her, mouth open.

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