Friday, May 8, 2015


If: A Manifesto:

If God exists, she is not as powerful in this realm as many believe her to be. She deals in the afterlife and has little influence in this world. She does what she can, and grieves for what she cannot do.

If God exists, she is not so sexist that it is an insult to her to be called a She. She has both male and female characteristics, and one side is not dominate to or more important than the other. It's actually refreshing to her, to have her female side finally acknowledged.

If God exists, she has a healthy sense of humor about herself, and does not mind jokes or criticism directed her way.

If God exists, she does not condemn or allow anyone to be subjected to eternal torment (even her divine servants who have rebelled against her, such as Lucifer, if she exists). She takes special care of suicide victims and other victims of violence. All receive exactly what they need for both healing and humanizing.

If God exists, she grieves at the doctrines that promote or excuse violence or bigotry, such as the belief in hell, the belief that believers of a certain sect are more special or righteous than others, or any doctrine that sees anyone as condemned, deserving of special punishment or torment, such as racism, sexism and anti-LGBTQ sentiments.

If God exists, she loves her gay children. She loves all of her children, though some grieve her by the harm they inflict on others.

If God exists, she does not nor ever has made some rules for one type of people, and another set of rules for others. All are equal. She has not made the straight person for the holiness and the sexual "joining together" of marriage, and the gay person for the hardship of lifelong celibacy. She has not given the option of sexual fulfillment to some but not to others. Likewise, she has not made the woman for the hardship of "submission," and the man for the very easy task of showing love to his slave, the wife.

If God exists, she loves me.

If God exists, she approves of me. She even approves of my atheism and my skepticism.

If God exists, I have a good relationship with her.

If God exists, she made me this way for a reason, and she put my clitoris on the outside for me to enjoy.

If God exists, I trust her with my soul when I die.

If God exists, it doesn't matter if you call her Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, Zeus, or Venus, male or female, gay or straight. Even if she "is" one of those things, or something else entirely, she understands if we get confused, and she doesn't condemn us for it.

I think a lot about God, about IF she exists. I have no fear for my soul, because I have a good "relationship" with God. I trust her.
But at the same time, when I think practically about God, and about what little we know now, I don't think it's likely that she exists. I don't think it's likely that we'll ever find out that she exists, either.
I have two minds about God: The "spiritual" side, I suppose it would be called, and the practical side. Having an "IF" side does not make me any less of an atheist, or any less logical. I do not make my decisions based upon the "IF." I do not base my life upon or do anything impractical because of the "IF."
The "IF" is comforting to me sometimes, but it is not something to rely upon. While I sometimes take comfort and security in the "IF," especially when others are worried about my soul...I plan for the "IF NOT."

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