Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What Is A Religion?

Youtube vlogger Rob Dyke is most well-known for his hilarious Why Would You Put That On The Internet? videos, his creepy series Seriously Strange, and skits in which he plays a talking garbage can. But I recently came across an older, more serious video, 5 Things Christians Forgot, which I found quite thought-provoking, even as an atheist.

Amusing highlights of the video were where he compared witnessing Christians to creepy children in horror movies saying "You're going to die," and in the middle where he seems to imply that it's okay to cuss God out. If that is true, I may have a "relationship" with God yet (though I'll admit that it probably wouldn't be a nice one).
I found it interesting that he encourages fellow Christians not to judge others, but a drinking game can be made out of how many times he uses the word "slut" or "skank" in his WWYPTOTI series. I have never seen him condemn anyone to hell, though, which is at least something.
In this video, he also mentions that he hates religion, in spite of the fact that he's a Christian himself.  
But that is religion! I thought the first time I saw it. Christianity is a religion.
But then I remembered that atheists didn't like it when Christians said that atheism was a religion. While, depending on your definition of religion, the belief in any god could be called a religion, I don't think Christians will respect our wishes not to be labeled as religious if we do not respect theirs.
So if we can't speak the same language, how are we to communicate? If Christians insist that what they believe/have is a "relationship with God/Jesus," and we don't believe that these figures exist, there is a problem. What are we both to call Christianity? Or for that matter, atheism? Where is the common denominator?
To communicate with believers, we have to speak their language. But speaking their language often implies that their beliefs are true, a sentiment which we obviously do not agree with. There is the problem.
Would they object to us referring to their "relationship" as a "belief system," or perhaps simply a "belief?" I don't think the term "bronze age mythology" would be well received, and "imaginary friend" would probably go over about as well as "hatred of God" does for us.
I believe that atheism should not be defined by believers; those who use the title should get to define what it is or at least what it means to them. I suppose it would only be fair to afford the same consideration to believers, within reason. While I would not wish to acknowledge a "relationship" with someone whom I do not believe exists, I can only imagine how believers must feel when we refer to our atheism as "reason" or "logic," or even call ourselves "freethinkers." All of this implies something not-so-desirable about their beliefs, and while some Christians, by their actions, deserve to be mocked, I believe some of them deserve more consideration.
If there is one thing I have learned from this video, it is this: No one likes the word "religion." Some Christians even try to say that atheists have more faith than them (as if faith was believing in something false or ridiculous). I think it's a good sign for atheists that words once associated with Christianity and belief in God are going out of fashion. If this trend keeps up, hopefully more Christians will become dissatisfied with their religions and their churches, have a friendlier attitude towards atheists and atheism, and not believe in preaching hell at us, much like the attitudes expressed in this video.

Here is a link to Rob Dyke's Youtube channel:
Here is a link to the video, if you want to watch it on Youtube:
And here is a link to an article on the blog Atheist Revolution, dealing with a similar idea:

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